Update notes for v0.0.3

Well, I didn't get the things done that I wanted to get done because I kinda changed the focus.  I decided to build the world out a little bit.  And the game now has a name.  I won't put all the information in here but there's more lore in the world, a better explanation in the beginning of the players, and I added a couple of images, include the hero.   Plus, I rewrote the entire Nigerian Prince Scam storyline.  The plot is the same but far more descriptive without repeating myself as much, so hopefully it's more interesting to read.

Anyway, welcome to The Rise of W.I.C.K.E.D.  Here is the complete, but short, changelog for v0.0.3:

* Built more of the background to the story, renamed the city, gave the organization a name, made the Factions page the page for the organization (renaming it 'Syndicate') and broke out the factions.  Re-did the intro to more fully introduce you to the world.

* Added some images of some more of the players you meet.  Including Superguy! (Thanks again to Lantash)

* Rewrote the entire Nigerian Prince story (the story plays out the same, but just much more descriptive and less redundant). Except the Confronting the Prince path. I didn't rewrite that path because it needs to be rebalanced and fixed.

* Fixed a ton of typos!

I will also add that while not in the game, I did a lot of work on paper and in my notes as to lore and events.  I just didn't have the time to get everything programmed in.  Written I have about 20 more events across all the different areas (so that there is nowhere you can click and there's never any content there).  I also have about 6 more Hero App quests written.  In addition, I have about a dozen special events written down, even though those won't be added into the game for a while.

As always, I appreciate any comments or feedback.

One final thing, if anyone knows a place that can generate logos based on a prompt.  I'd like to create a logo for the syndicate and each faction that has the word on it and I haven't found any that create logos, not for businesses, capable of putting actual letters in it.  I have no artistic skills, so I need basic AI website.


The Rise of W.I.C.K.E.D. v0.0.3.zip 4.5 MB
9 days ago

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