Dev update for v0.0.3

Thanks for all the feedback.  Between here and on Discord, A and B are overwhelming favorites, with B having a slight edge.  So in this next update, my goal is to rewrite the Nigerian Prince Scam and the Liquor Store Hold-up, adding some images as well (thanks to Lantash for making these as well).  In addition, you'll be able to work off some stress in the gym but there are some bad actors there who have plans for you on the wrestling mat, in the locker room, and in the showers.  The goal is to get all that done.

I have a bit of a busy week and a less busy weekend.  I'm still going to shoot for releasing what I have done on Friday, on Friday.  But, if I'm close to having everything I want to have done, I may wait until Saturday or Sunday but 0.0.3 will be released Sunday or sooner.

Now, long term planning.  I'm not giving dates or anything but here is a road map of sorts.

1.  Finish fleshing out all the events that I've written on paper already, rewriting some things, and adding some images.  The goal is to have enough events to keep the player entertained plus to move stats up and down before I start working on the story.  The events have a lot of RNG behind the scenes, the story should be based primarily on player choice and stats, so I have to build the world up a bit first.

2.  Build the world.  You need to start learning more about the organization, what they're doing, what the factions are.  There will be plenty of surprises along the way.  The more you learn though, the better equipped you'll be to take them on.

3a.  Faction bosses. This one is going to take a while but I will still be releasing updates while I work on this.  I'll do one faction boss at a time.  Boss events are special events that happen outside of the normal flow of time.  They are longer, multiple part events.  Sometimes, it may just be one part after another; others you may be returned to the world for a bit before seeing the next part.

3b.  Special events.  These are longer events that take place within the world.  These are easier to release in parts than the bosses, so when we get here, I'll add the special events as I'm working on the bosses (hence 3a and 3b).  These are also longer, multi-part events that are ongoing but happen in the world.  One, meeting with your therapist, will actually be part of the building of the world.  The others will happen in your day to day, so you might meet a new friend where there is more than meets the eye, or someone might spend some time at your house.  You'll still go to work and do everything else but you can choose to see them on the evenings or when you wake up, there might be an event that interrupts your normal choices.

4.  The big boss.  This is end game.  For anyone who has played The Retreat, it will have a similar concept.  You'll be warned that you're about to hit the point of no return.  Then you'll have a long event chain where your previous choices, how you did with the factions, your stats, and your choices in this event chain will lead you to one of several endings.  If you save before here, you might be able to see a couple of them.  However, others will likely require a new playthrough using a different style of play (or you could just use the console to change your stats and other variables).

This is all subject to change.  This is how I see the game going right now but I'll adapt to feedback.  I know it's ambitious and it's going to take time but that's fine, there will be plenty of content by the end.  You'll be able to see how much content and of what type there is in each iteration so you can skip a few if it's too bare bones or if there's nothing that interests you.  However, I like the smaller updates because it keeps me motivated.  If I wait until I have something big, I'll probably give up and I don't want that.

As always, if anyone has any thoughts, I love the feedback I'm getting.  And we'll see what I end up pumping out by this weekend.

Get The Rise of W.I.C.K.E.D.

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