Poll: What's next?

So I don't know how to create a poll on here, don't know if it's even possible. But what should I work on next? 

A. Adding images (mostly AI, some real porn). When I do this I'll also go back and fix passages making the language less repetitive and more descriptive (I found an AI that can help with that too, haha) 

B. More side events (gym, bus, etc.) - this will give more content on the weekends too.

C. Crime events

D. Hero App events

E. Something else (please let me know) 

Main story isn't an option yet, because without giving too much away, but the story depends on advancing though each of the factions. But you can't do that yet because you haven't learned anything about them, so they all need more events. There will also be special events that are longer running and that persist through everything else (going to therapist weekly and others that I don't want to spoil).

I'm leaning towards A just because I struggle with playing text only games, so getting some images in there might make that easier for people to enjoy the game. Although I know a lot of people who prefer just text. But I figured I'd see what other people want. 

Finally, I know the day number doesn't advance in this version. I've fixed it but since that has no impact on the game yet I'm not releasing a fix until the next version. I hope to keep up the cadence of weekly. If I do A, I'll release what I have on Friday but it won't be complete.

Any thoughts on this or any other feedback is greatly appreciated. I won't be offended if you think there's something I can do better, I like constructive criticism.


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I think I will choose A. After A is more complete, when the subsequent plot is updated, the story and images can be advanced together.

(1 edit)




B :)

100% B :)

Definitely B 

Keep up the good work, (if you will)